Documenting Britain
These images, taken along the course of the River Thames, offer a small glimpse of how the river is inextricably linked to the communities who inhabit the surrounding area. Physically, emotionally and spiritually the river weaves its way through the southern heart of England carrying with it the collective history of a nation. Rich in culture and heritage the river has been the scene of many a spectacle from Royal traditions to industrial innovations. Yet it remains a wholly communal river, an inspiration to artists and musicians, a river of leisure, of sport and a place people call home. These images are a meditation on a collective connection to the Thames and they reflect the diversity of community and tradition found along the route of the river.
North and South Thanet
After reading an article describing some of Britain’s Eastern costal towns as the ‘front line’ in UKIP’s fight to gain seats in the 2015 general election I felt compelled to visit the constituencies of North and South Thanet on the Kent coast. Encompassing the towns of Margate, Ramsgate and Broadstairs the area has been targeted by UKIP as they seek to capitalise on a level of despondency created by perceived high levels of immigration and lack of investment. However in recent years there have been efforts to regenerate the area with a focus on arts and entertainment projects. Over the coming months I would like to further explore how the current political climate has evolved and how this relates to the seaside landscape.
The photographs here are from my first trip to Margate and reflect my initial experiences there as I seek to make sense of the melting pot of faded cultural history and complex political present.